When you are traveling and discovering new things, there is one moment during which you feel so excited and happy, that suddenly all those problems, fears or doubts that you have in your life, start to blur. You feel so inspired and empowered, that you start getting the courage to take that decision that will change your life. I guess many of us have gone through that feeling many times.
I met Negar Nadimi in New York a few years ago, through a very good friend that we have in common. Years later, I learned that she launched her jewelry line called RAGEN. What got my attention was that she took the decision to start her own business during a trip to the Middle East.
Today, Negar Nadimi shares with La Trotamundos her exciting story about pursuing her entrepreneurial dream after a big trip.
I read in your biography that a trip to the Middle East inspired you to create Ragen. What is Ragen about and in what moment during your trip did you think “this is what I want to do, this is my dream, and I am going to do it”
I have been living in NYC for almost 10 years now and Ragen is a jewelry brand I created in 2013 inspired by my Persian background and European upbringing but really through my travels I took back starting 2010. I remember coming back from the Middle East and a stay in Turkey and I was feeling so inspired by the artistic presence, the history of jewelry making and designs that I designed my first charm necklace. As soon as I started wearing the piece, I received compliments and requests from friends to make them pieces as well and I remember thinking this could be a pivotal chapter in my life and had a clear cliché “A-HA” moment where intuitively I know I had to go for it…. And it all grew organically from there.
That particular trip was most definitely the catalyst for the brand being born… your state of mind and outlook definitely changes every time you go on a long distance trip and I was just blown away by inspiration and had all these ideas that I wanted to put in the market place and create for other women to wear.
What was your experience of starting a business in New York, one of the most competitive cities in the world?
New York is indeed a very saturated market…It’s the biggest fashion capital in the world where “Fast Fashion” is prevalent and product fatigue common. But I had done my homework, I knew the custom jewelry market space pretty well as I was an avid shopper myself.
Most of my pieces in the collection are very dainty and resemble fine jewelry, some have very classical designs and other pieces are more trendy but I try to keep it all in the context of it being meaningful symbolism…pieces that reflect the wearers psyche, mood and belief all while being fashionable and affordable. I knew if I tapped into the niche audience it could be a special line with little competition.
Where can we buy your jewelry?
The collection can be viewed and purchased at www.ragenjewels.com. Since the inception of the brand, we’ve added many new styles so we are constantly uploading our Facebook and Instagram pages (ragenjewels) with newer products. And all those products can be purchased directly at contact@ragenjewels.com.
As an insider, what places do you recommend to go shopping in NYC?
Shopping in NY is so fun…there is the best of every design for every taste. I have to say Century 21 is one of my favorite stores, you just don’t know what great deal you are going to find but you always do… and boutiques like Intermix and Wink where the buyers are great, but my latest crush is on Ulla Johnson, she simply makes beautiful clothes.
What is your next travel destination?
My next travel destination I hope will be either to Africa or the Far East, both excite me very much and I have never been.
And the next step for RAGEN?
Next step for Ragen is to open a showroom in NYC with hopefully distribution through high-end department stores in the US. We hope to have a website that is more comprehensive displaying all of our pieces and expanding the collection. Parallel to this we are looking at international expansion given the right opportunities.
Do you have any message for those people that have dreams but are too scared to follow them?
Interesting question. Just GO For It! Even if you fail you would have tried. Worse case you‘ll come back to your old life stronger…but now I know what happens when you give up fear and follow your dreams is simply magical! If its meaningful to you and you feel passionate about it and you work hard at it, the universe always aligns itself to make it work.